Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bourbon County Stout

Bourbon County Stout
Goose Island Beer Co.
Bourbon Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout

13% ABV


60 IBUs

2008 vintage 12 oz. twist off bottle, bottled on October 28, 2008, poured into a 25 oz snifter on October 20, 2010. Almost 2 years! Apparently the best barrel aged stouts used to come in twist off bottles a while back ;)

Appearance 5/5
Most vigorous of pours cannot force a persistent head out of this beer. The initial froth that would subside soon into a thin collar is the darkest of browns, with some foam wandering on the surface of the beer in mocha like spirals. The beer itself is dark as night, although much later when the collar dies, deep brown highlights can be seen.

Aroma 4/5
Sweet oak and bourbon, sharp alcohol, hot chocolate, and coffee dominate the nose in the order mentioned, with *perhaps* some leather, tobacco, and vanilla. However, alcohol becomes dominant and everything else gets pushed to the background when the beer warms up, which is a not a good thing.

Taste 4.5/5
Creamy sweet hot chocolate and bourbon, with a massive chocolate and coffee aftertaste when the beer is colder. When it's warmer, a dark, unsweetened chocolate and bitter coffee taste also kicks in before finish, and coffee like acidity is also felt. In fact, the slight bitterness helps the finish too, which is medium, and therefore surprisingly clean for a beer of this magnitude. However, booze affects the taste too at higher temperatures.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Thick, creamy, and luxurious mouthfeel with very low carbonation; this is a beer with a truly big body that coats the mouth and seems to stay on the palate forever.

Drinkability 4/5
This is a sipper, but the problem with sipping it is that it's going to get warm, and messy. The usual serving temperature for big stouts is 55°F, but this one must be served at Goose Island's recommended 40°F, and the bulk of this beer must be enjoyed before it warms up to room temperature. Too much alcohol is a flaw in this beer, that becomes glaringly obvious at room temperature.

KBS could be boozy too, I have found, but booziness of BCBS becomes irritating towards the end. Even though the mouthfeel of this beer is better, I think KBS is a superior beer overall. This is my earlier review of BCBS (from January 27, 2010):

look: 4.5 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 5 | drink: 4
Looks absolutely beautiful in a worthy glass and the smell is one of the best among all stouts I have had: wood is certainly dominating to me and a faint smell of tobacco works magic. Of course there's more to the smell, like dark fruit. Overall very complex. Also, the alcohol is evident.

Taste is rich and complex and could be described as bitter-sweet in one word. Mouthfeel is silky and luxurious but a little cloying for my taste. If drinkability means what BudLight advertises, this beer would score a 0.0 but that's what one would expect from this strong a stout.

Alcohol/bourbon becomes overpowering as the beer warms up.

Overall a great beer, to be savored over an hour, or more.

Serving type: 2009 Vintage (12 oz bottle) with less than 4 months on it.

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