Friday, October 8, 2010

Alpha King

Alpha King
Three Floyds Brewing Co.
American Pale Ale
6.5% ABV


66 IBUs

12 oz bottle with no freshness date poured into a Samuel Adams “perfect pint” glass. I was assured of its freshness by the guy who sent it to me

Appearance 4.5/5
Poured clear and deep amber, to the extent of seeming light brown; there was sediment in the bottle that might have caused the beer to a look a little murky. Moderate off white head with moderate retention and fantastic lacing.

Aroma 4.5/5
There is a great balance between malts and hops in the nose that is almost reminiscent of Arrogant Bastard, although weaker. Smells like sweet candy at times with malts upfront, and at times like a typical IPA, with strong hop presence. The malt aroma is toasty and caramelly, the hop aroma is classic American hops: piney and herbal...

Taste 4/5
Like the aroma, the balance is excellent. Even though the malts are certainly more prominent than AIPA’s, the flavor is still dominated by hops; however, the malts add a definite sweetness. Riding on this sweetness is a zesty bitterness from the hops, that stays even after the medium-long finish. The finish is the only downside, taste wise, and is a tad too sweet.

Mouthfeel 3.5/5
Medium body, medium carbonation; this ale seems to coat the mouth at times. This beer cannot be called refreshing, and is a little too big for its own good.

Drinkability 4/5
I would like to have a more drinkable Pale Ale. Yet, I will seek out this one again because styles aside, this is a very good beer. However, as I said before, is reminiscent of the quintessential American Strong Ale to me.

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