Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Little Sumpin’ Wild Ale

A Little Sumpin’ Wild Ale
Lagunitas Brewing Co.
“Another Big Sister of the Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale.... Loads of Malted Wheat for a Curious Malt Foundation and a Light Color, But Our Belgian Yeast Leaves a Huge Flavor and Complexishness.”

8.85% ABV

OG 1.082

72.51 IBUs

22 oz bomber, bottled on the 242nd day of the year (August 30, 2010) poured into a New Belgium snifter on October 18, 2010. This beer is described by the brewer as a bigger sister of the Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale, and it says that this beer was fermented using Westmalle yeast strain right on the label; so, stylistically, this would be a Belgian IPA brewed with wheat malts. At the moment it is listed as a Belgian Strong Pale Ale on BeerAdvocate, the class to which Duvel belongs. Odd. And it’s not a Wild Ale.

Appearance 5/5
A little hazy, golden orange colored beer, with a big, slightly off white, dense, creamy, and rocky “Belgian” head with excellent retention and fantastic lacing. A beer with the perfect looks!

Aroma 5/5
Strong aroma of tropical fruit from hops and esters, with phenols from the Belgian yeast in the background. Some perfumy wheat malt as well.

Taste 4/5
Slightly sweet, intensely fruity, light and crisp on palate with some bitterness at the back, followed by a moderately dry finish and lingering aftertaste. I, personally, didn’t like the aftertaste which is neither sweet, nor bitter, or fruity, but just odd in my opinion. Otherwise, a very good tasting beer.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Crisp and well carbonated with a decent body.

Drinkability 4/5
It really depends on how you see this beer: for a DIPA, it’s too easy drinking; for a Belgian Strong Pale Ale, it’s not that drinkable. Either way, it’s a nice drinking beer, but doesn’t achieve anything exceptional drinkability-wise.

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