Saturday, October 2, 2010

Old Rasputin

Old Rasputin
North Coast Brewing Co.
Russian Imperial Stout
9% ABV


75 IBUs

12 oz bottle with no freshness date poured into a big snifter. Although, I am big supporter of bottle dating, I don’t criticize North Coast in deeming dating Old Rasputin irrelevant, because it will hold up for years, and yet won’t be “too hot & rough” fresh. This is one of my earliest, but still favorite, Russian Imperial Stouts and I am very excited to review this! Let’s get down to business!

Appearance 5/5
Pours in a clear and very dark brown stream from the bottle that gives an impression of pitch black in the glass, with a big, dense, dark mocha colored head that receded into a rather thin one but left excellent lacing on the glass. Towards the end, the head was thinner, but still was much more than a tiny collar! The lacing didn't stick around, but that's forgivable for an Imperial Stout.

Aroma 3/5
I have never been a fan of this beer's aroma even though I have had it at innumerable occasions and I like this beer quite a bit overall. The aroma I detect is of sweet malts with no particular character, but just a slight bias towards roast. It has a certain smoothness to it though. As the beer got to room temperature, alcoholic sweetness became obvious.

Taste 4/5
Taste is however, very good, so you may ignore my comments on aroma. Starts slightly sweet with a dark, roasty, richness that takes a dark chocolate character in the aftertaste, along with the persistent roast. Also, they have hopped this one generously, and the finish is quite bitter; the roast and hops make it quite clean for an Imperial Stout. A coffee like acidity is notable as the temperature rises. So is alcohol warmth.

Mouthfeel 4/5
More body and lower carbonation would be welcome. Otherwise, it's flawless.

Drinkability 5/5
It tastes good, and finishes fairly clean. I could have another bottle. A RIS that's any more drinkable is doing it wrong!

Never disappointing, amazingly priced, this is a beer I will continue to drink. Never say die!

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