Friday, October 8, 2010

Palo Santo Marron

Palo Santo Marron
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
An unfiltered, unfettered, unprecedented brown ale aged in handmade wooden brewing vessels. The caramel and vanilla complexity unique to this beer comes from the exotic Paraguayan Palo Santo wood.
12% ABV


50 IBUs

12 oz bottle with a kickass label, bottled August 17, 2010 poured into a New Belgium snifter on October 8, 2010, at a few degrees below room temperature.

Appearance 4.5/5
Pitch black with a dark brown, big, and dense head. Great head retention and lacing. The looks of this beer will give any imperial stout a run for its money!

Aroma 4.5/5
Refreshingly different: a very unique smell that is obviously from Palo Santo wood. Indeed boner inducing, as DFH says on the bottle. Wood, spice, and vanilla, with perhaps some spicy hop character. No booze!

Taste 4.5/5
Caramel, roast, and the wood like quality of the aroma. Sweet from the malts and the alcohol but not solventy. This beer is a good example of an high ABV beer that's not "hot". At some point close to the finish the hop bitterness kicks in, and leads to a medium finish in conjunction with the roast: had it not been for these, the finish would've been too sweet. Afterwards, this beer's unique "Palo Santo" aroma is felt in the breath along with the alcohol warmth.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Medium to strong bodied with low carbonation, this beer feels silky on the palate. Finish is medium as noted and some malty sweetness and roast is felt later on.

Drinkability 4/5
Dangerous if you ask me.

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