Sunday, October 17, 2010

Arctic Panzer Wolf

Arctic Panzer Wolf

Three Floyds Brewing Co.
Imperial IPA
9% ABV



22 oz bomber with no freshness date poured into a New Belgium snifter

Appearance 4/5
Carefully avoiding the chunky sediment at the bottom of the bottle, this beer poured a moderately clear amber-orange color, with a medium off white head. Decent head retention with good sticky lacing on the glass.

Aroma 4.5/5
Solid hop aroma that's fruity, piney, and citrus. A very attractive smelling hop profile, with a light, sweet maltiness in the background.

Taste & Mouthfeel 4/5
The taste is similar to aroma with some spicy hop character too. Overall it's quite bitter as expected, and the bitterness lasts into the dry, perhaps too dry, finish. Light bodied and crisp with a malt backbone that struggles, this beer seems closer to an AIPA than IIPA in all respects but ABV. As the beer warmed up to room temperature, it felt watery... too much dextrose?

Drinkability 4/5
Classic AIPA drinkability.

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