Sunday, October 31, 2010

Three Hour Tour

Three Hour Tour
Town Hall Brewery
Milk/Sweet Stout

5.9% ABV
Sampled at the brewpub in a pint glass on 30/10/2010.

Appearance 3.5/5
Dark brown to black with a brown head; medium retention, no lacing.

Aroma 3.5/5
Smells like a dessert full of coconut, nuts, and banana, cooked in coconut oil. Rich and strong aroma but hardly stout-ish.

Taste 4/5
Slight banana and strong coconut notes, exactly similar to the nose. Some roast and bitterness help keep the finish clean, but coconut flavor lingers. I like it.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Could've been smoother, had the carbonation been lower, and that would've worked really well here.

Drinkability 4.5/5
Very good.

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