Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pawtucket Patriot Ale

Information available:
  • It's an ale.
  • The SRM (color) is between 7 and 9. The colors in the chart above look brighter than the beer but let's attribute it to the pub like lighting in the Drunken Clam.
  • The head is poor.

  1. It's an year round beer, and not one of the seasonal kind because they drink it all the time (eliminates Pumpkin ales and such)
  2. It's a low ABV beer, because they drink it all the time (eliminates English Barleywines and such)
  3. It's a good example of the style, so if there's no head on Peter's beer, it's because the style itself has little head.
  4. It's not a Belgian/inspired beer (poor head, glassware used), or a one-off (rules out barrel aging and such), related to 1. and 2.

After this, it's just a matter of going through the BJCP style guidelines, and the beer above is an English Bitter.

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