Saturday, October 9, 2010

Obsidian Stout

Obsidian Stout
Deschutes Brewery
American Stout
6.4% ABV


55 IBUs

12 oz bottle (best before December 30, 2010) poured into a New Belgium snifter on October 9, 2010.

Appearance 5/5
Pours as a clear, dark brown stream into the snifter and gives an impression of jet black while in the glass. The head is big, creamy and brown from a vigorous pour, with decent retention and nice, sticky lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Sweet malts to begin, with powdered chocolate following soon after. Not too big on roast in my opinion.

Taste 4/5
Some malty sweetness starts the beer, that goes well with some coffee like acidity. The chocolate character of the aroma is absent in taste; instead there is a roasty coffee like bitterness. The finish is medium, long, and bittering with elements of roast, but I think hops also contribute significantly towards it, because the roast never seems over the top.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Very good, but not exceptional. Medium body, medium carbonation. Quite smooth.

Drinkability 4/5
Very good, but it’d be better if the ABV could be lower and beer a little drier.

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