Monday, October 25, 2010

Mango Mama

Mango Mama
Town Hall Brewery
American IPA
6.0% ABV
64 oz growler with a best by date of 11/09/10 poured into a Bell's tulip on 10/25/10 (the day of its release!)

Appearance 2/5
Murky orange-brown with a tiny dirty orange head with poor retention and no lacing. Not the looks of a beer, much less of an IPA.

Aroma 2/5
Nose is reminiscent of India, seriously: dry and intensely hot summer afternoons, and mangoes - fresh mangoes, mango juice, mangoes and spice. American IPA? No. For an IPA that has hints of mangoes without smelling like mango juice itself, I'd recommend Bell's Two Hearted.

Taste 3/5
I have to say that taste redeems this beer to a certain extent. There's some sweetness, massive fruitiness from mangoes, and decent bitterness but no hop flavor. Finish is slightly bitter, and quite dry, but not crisp. Carbonation is low which is generally to my liking but not this time.

Mouthfeel 3/5
Soft, with low carbonation, and decent overall, but the finish ruins it.

Drinkability 4/5
Not bad, strangely!

This alcoholic beverage might not be bad but it's not beer. It's overdone in my opinion.

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