Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Surly Brewing Co.
West coast style IPA
7.5% ABV

OG: 17.7º Plato

90 IBUs

6 ºSRM

16 oz canned two days ago, bitches, poured into a Samuel Adams perfect pint on the early morning of October 13, 2010.

Appearance 5/5
Crystal clear amber-orange with a big off white head and great lacing. Looks the way an IPA should.

Aroma 4/5
Pine, mango, and papaya. Only complaint? Strength. Any IPA Surly churns out will always be compared to Furious, and this is not as furious -- I can smell it! Yet, very very nice.

Taste 3.5/5
Fruity hops dance on palate with enough malts in the background. I have to say that malts hold up alright, against what Surly says about this beer, "This is a hop forward beer, dry with subdued malt flavors." This beer is not bitter at all in the first impression although after a finish that's not as dry as advertised, an intense bitterness can be felt in the back of the mouth. I wonder what's up with the finish, given the clarity and brewer's statement! Good as it is, it doesn't belong "up there" in my opinion.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Almost perfect, but the finish is sweet for the body, and the carbonation seems a tad low.

Drinkability 3.5/5
This one needs more bitterness, cleaner finish and higher carbonation. Also needed is a lower ABV for a beer this easy to drink!

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