Monday, October 11, 2010

Cutthroat Porter

Cutthroat Porter
Odell Brewing Co.
Robust Porter/American Porter
5.1% ABV
43 IBUs
12 oz bottle with a freshness date of 3/8/11 poured into a Surly pint glass on 10/11/10.

Appearance 5/5
Clear and very dark brown with a full tan colored head, that dissipated into a thin one and left sticky lacing over the course of the beer. Spot on.

Aroma 4/5
Sweet malts and coffee dominate the nose with hints of roast.

Taste 4/5
Coffee contributes most to the flavor in my opinion, and is welcome. Some acidity that seems to be from coffee. There's some roast and a tiny bit of bitterness towards the finish, which doesn't seem enough to balance the malts. Finish is almost cloying for a beer of this ABV.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Medium to low body. Carbonation is just right, but still doesn't help the overly sweet finish. If the body were stronger, I'd be fine with the finish.

Drinkability 4.5/5
I have pointed out more mistakes than better qualities but this is one of the most flavorful beers around at its ABV.

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