Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trois Pistoles

Trois Pistoles (Three Pistols)
Belgian Dark Strong Ale
9% ABV


15.5 IBUs

12 oz bottle with a freshness date of April 07, 2013 poured into a Gouden Carolus on October 13, 2010.

Appearance 3.5/5
Slightly hazy, perfect brown, with a medium, creamy tan colored head, with good retention. Average lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Fruit, spice (phenols), and yeast dominate. Not very sure about chocolate or caramel. Yet the aroma is decently complex, and nice. But nowhere close to exceptional!

Taste 3.5/5
Vinous taste that promptly gets covered by the prickly carbonation. The bitterness seems discordant, or the dark fruity sweetness is simply not enough. The aroma was certainly better than the taste: they are similar but the fruitiness of aroma was way higher. I would call this an average tasting beer. Finish is slightly sweet and long. Slightly warming.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Medium body and medium to high carbonation. Good.

Drinkability 4/5
While slightly disappointing considering the fame, very drinkable. Also, the warmer the better!

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