Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Surly Brewing Co.
Double Espresso Milk Stout

10.0% ABV
On tap at Stub & Herb's in a 10 oz glass.

Appearance 4/5
Clear, very dark brown with garnet highlights, with a tiny bit of brown collar for head that manages to leave some lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Dark roasted coffee and clean, sugar like, sweetness.

Taste 4/5
Sweet from start to finish, with coffee presence building up into a massively roasty, bitter, coffee flavored finish. Pretty smooth for the most part but astringency from roast is very noticeable in the the end; roast, coffee flavor and bitterness, and alcohol warmth linger afterwards.

Mouthfeel 3/5
A wee bit thin for the sweetness, with over roasted coffee and high-ish carbonation, its mouthfeel could be called average at best.

Drinkability 4/5
Alright, but I can't see myself drinking too much of this beer.

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