Friday, October 1, 2010

How to kill a boot aka how to drink to your heart's content and not be hung over!

I am 150 lbs (68 kg) with a moderate alcohol tolerance and no German ancestry whatsoever. However, I love to drink and sad as it is, get hung over quite a bit. Many people share this problem and various preventive measures and cures could be found online, most of which are bogus.

Anyhow, I go to college and a two hour lecture on a Thursday evening gives you ample time to plan the mischiefs. My friend got a 2 liter beer boot as a gift from another friend that stood accumulating dust in his living room for about an year, perhaps more. Can't say why, but in the class yesterday I had a strong urge to "kill that boot".

First step was deciding upon the beer, and my original choice was Surly's Bitter Brewer. However, my go to store was out of this delicious seasonal session beer, so I picked up a six pack of Goose Island's 312. More manly men could attempt this with Expedition Stout  at 10% ABV (I know a guy) or even Bourbon County Brand Stout at 13% ABV, or if you're the manliest man like Metal Madman below, 120 minute IPA (~20%!).

Drinking a boot full is not a feat in my opinion, preventing the aftermath is! Take notes people, a high protein meal about an hour before you start is the shit. Can't say if this is the correct explanation because it was found unsourced online, but protein sitting in your small intestine slows down the absorption of alcohol, which is why you need to give some time to the food to get digested and move to the small intestine. Eating while drinking won't save you!

I went to Perkin's and had something that had 39 grams of protein. Then I acquired the boot and cleaned the dust and sediment from one year of neglect. Filled it up,

...and killed it. No, I didn't/can't/won't chug it. I took my own sweet time and drank about the same amount of water, as beer. This is my second point: drink water. There are other things that can help, like vitamins & minerals to prevent and counter the effects of alcohol, and this article on BeerAdvocate is an excellent read for those interested.

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