Friday, October 8, 2010

Pride & Joy

Pride & Joy
Three Floyds Brewing Co.
Mild Ale
5% ABV


30 IBUs

12 oz bottle with no freshness date poured into a Surly pint glass. I was assured of its freshness by the guy who sent it to me.

Appearance 4/5
The bottle had some sediment and it doesn’t surprise me that the beer looks slightly hazy, which could be because it’s unfiltered, or perhaps because of “chill haze”. Nice, two finger off white head with good retention and sticky lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Light and sweet, slightly caramelly, malt aroma. Some hop aroma comes through as the beer gets warm.

Taste 3.5/5
Starts fairly unoffensive with some malts that are almost fruity at times. The hops appear towards the end, and stay on the palate as a slightly bitter aftertaste following the medium finish. There is definitely an American hop flavor in this beer, that could be called citrusy. Overall, good taste for a session beer, with a slightly hop-sided balance that sadly doesn’t let the malts shine.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Medium bodied and crisp with carbonation, this is a quite refreshing beer.

Drinkability 4/5
There is little aroma and mild flavor which is not a fault, per se, for a session beer. This beer is refreshing and easy to drink too. However, I am sure that there’s a way to do whatever this beer does, and yet, not cross the 4% ABV mark.

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