Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti

Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti
Great Divide Brewing
American Double / Imperial Stout
9.5% ABV
On tap at Stub & Herb's in a 10 oz glass.

Appearance 4.5/5
Dark brown, looks black in the glass; with a dark brown, rich looking head that receded rather fast but left a decent lacing.

Aroma 3/5
Bunch of swirls coax a slightly chocolaty malt aroma, and perhaps oak. Some of the usual stout aroma when the beer got warm enough.

Taste 4/5
Dark malts, creamy chocolate and some oak that doesn't seem to meld too well, giving an impression of poorly done artificial flavoring. Still the base beer doesn't let this one taste too bad.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Good mouthfeel on this one with the right combination of roast, body, and carbonation.

Drinkability 4.5/5
Appropriate for the style and ABV.

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