Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kentucky Breakfast Stout (KBS)

Kentucky Breakfast Stout (KBS)
Founders Brewing Co.
Imperial Stout (of the finest kind)
11.2% ABV
70 IBUs
12 oz bottle (from March 2010) poured into a New Belgium snifter on September 22, 2010.

Appearance 5/5
Pours black with a very dark brown head that is quick to dissipate into a thin collar. Expected from a high ABV barrel aged beer. Dark brown on the edges when held up to light.

Aroma 5/5
Coffee, dark chocolate, sweet bourbon in huge amounts. Some alcohol too, which is expected.

Taste 5/5
First impression is bliss. Bittersweet; malts and bourbon lend the sweetness, coffee and dark chocolate contribute towards the bitterness. Very rich, complex, and delicious taste that finishes bitter, and has a character like powdered chocolate. Some acidity of coffee is also felt. Alcohol warming is evident as well. But, this is not an extreme beer, it's a fine example of balancing the extremes.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Silky and full, but not very big. Medium carbonation, bitter, medium finish. Not cloying at all. A stronger body won't hurt this beer, but this is perfection as it is. Who am I to comment?

Drinkability 5/5
Given the alcohol, it's a sipper. But the great taste doesn't let it be one. I can keep drinking this forever.

When I had it first, I thought it was the best beer I ever had. Still belongs in my "all time best beers" category and for a beer of this kind, there's only one that comes close or equals or possibly exceeds it by a tiny bit: Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout. Can only be determined in a side by side tasting, yet to come. KBS is good for everything a stout ought to be good for.

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