Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard
Stone Brewing Co.
American Strong Ale
7.2% ABV
22 oz bomber with a freshness date of November 08, 2010 poured into a Maredsous chalice on September 22, 2010.

Appearance 5/5
Rust brown colored, clear, with a great tan color creamy head that stayed and left it's impression on the glass; kickass!

Aroma 4/5
Hops! Piney, citrusy, herbal, and grassy. People say it all the time, and I agree, that Stone has a way with hops.

Taste 4/5
Firm and "heavy" bitterness full of the hop flavor that was found in the aroma. I cannot tell what separates it from a good AIPA but it's not an AIPA by the style guidelines; and the taste is in accordance: I have always attached a "light" taste as opposed to "heavy" taste to IPAs, so it's an Strong Ale alright! I can see, if not explain, why they invented a style for it.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Medium body that balances the bitterness well. The carbonation level would propel it to the crisp category. It's not the refreshing kind, but it's an experimental style very well done. For the sake of completeness, the finish is very bitter and moderately clean.

Drinkability 5/5
Being good in all other categories implies that the drinkability is high!

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