Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wild Brunette {Wild Rice Brown Ale}

Wild Brunette {Wild Rice Brown Ale}
Barley John's Brew Pub
American Brown Ale
7.2% ABV
Sampled at the brewpub from a nonic pint glass

Appearance 3/5
Clear dark brown with no head whatsoever. Later, couple of swirls forced a tiny brown collar that left equally tiny lacing on the glass. Neither did the collar stick around, nor did the lace.

Aroma 3.5/5
Some sweet malts and a very unique aroma because of wild rice. No fruitiness or hop aroma. Not much of chocolate/caramel/nutty/toasty aromas either.

Taste 4/5
Slight fruitiness from malts and esters in the beginning. Firm bitterness in the middle from early hop additions, but the hop flavor is low, if any; hard to say. There's some stout-ish roasty bitterness and feel too. And a lot of taste that's from wild rice, which is very unique to this ale. Finish is medium-dry with a firm, lingering bitterness. Some alcohol warmth is noted. This beer needs more malts, or less hops and less alcohol, in my opinion.

Mouthfeel 3/5
A tad thin. For a brown ale with this ABV, I have to guess that the wild rice contributes quite a bit to fermentables given the body. However, I would either prefer more malts and a bigger body in this one, or less bitterness and a lower ABV, as noted with taste too. Also, this beer was pretty flat for its body.

Drinkability 4/5
Quaffable. But alcohol is on the higher side compared to body, for this style.

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