Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Schell's Octoberfest

Schell's Octoberfest
August Schell Brewing Co.
5.5% ABV
Served in a pint glass at Stub & Herb's.

Appearance 2.5/5
Clear dark copper colored with no head at all because of the efficient "pub" pour. Couple of swirls forced an off white "soda" head that disappeared faster than it formed.

Aroma 3/5
Toasty and sweet malt aroma, but average at best compared to other examples of the style, say Ayinger's Oktoberfest.

Taste 3/5
Clean with a refreshing bitterness. Moderately dry and bittering finish with some sweet aftertaste and very slight toasty flavor in the end. Very good tasting beer but last I checked, they called it an Oktoberfest. The balance is not towards malt and this is a fault.

Mouthfeel 3/5
Crisp, refreshing, sessionable. Yet, not like an Oktoberfest!

Drinkability 4/5

It's a pity that I have to rate this one lower than I would like to. A very good beer, that's full of flavor without being over-the-top. However, the malty smoothness & balance of the style is missing. As an Oktoberfest, this is just average; as a beer, it's well above average. I will seek it out more.

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