Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tallgrass Oasis

Tallgrass Oasis
Tallgrass Brewing Company
Double ESB/IPAish (from brewer's website); DIPA on BeerAdvocate
7.2% ABV
93 IBUs
16 oz can with no freshness date (but possibly fresh, judging by liquor store) poured into a Samuel Adams "perfect pint"

Appearance 4.5/5
Pours clear and deep copper-red with a creamy, big, light tan head and good retention. Good lacing on the glass. Inviting.

Aroma 3.5/5
Medium piney and grassy hop aroma with some malty sweetness. No fruity esters. Above average, but ESB elements are missing. And if this were to be judged by DIPA standards, then aroma is not strong enough.

Taste 4/5
Good hop flavor and high bitterness, with malts pushed to the background, similar to an AIPA. No fruity esters. Dry and bitter finish. Again, the ESB elements are missing, and the hoppiness isn't enough to compensate for deviation from style.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Medium body, suitably carbonated. Nothing "double" about it though.

Drinkability 5/5
Very good. Alcohol is not noticeable at all.

This is a hybrid style that the brewery describes as Double ESB/IPAish. My impression is that of an AIPA, with not enough hop aroma to back it up, or of an ESB with maltiness missing. However, as a beer, I like it and I would seek it out more. In the ratings, I have tried to take elements from both basic styles (ESB & DIPA) into account, and might have rated it higher than it deserves.

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