Friday, September 17, 2010

Lion Stout

Lion Stout
The Lion Brewery Ceylon PLC
Foreign Extra Stout
8% ABV
625 ml bottle with no freshness date poured into a Summit pint glass.

Appearance 4/5
Clear, very dark brown, almost black; big brown creamy head that receded rather fast and left moderate lacing.

Aroma 3.5/5
Dark malts and molasses is the first impression; an almost burnt sweetness is evident. I don't detect any hops, which is fine by the style. Also, aroma fades real fast in this one, and very little of the strong molasses aroma is felt later. Some fruity tartness.

Taste 4.5/5
Opens fruity, resiny. Some hop bitterness is felt eventually, but is never overwhelming. Burnt in a nice way. Finishes medium dry and clean for the sweet beginning. Roast can be well felt in the aftertaste. Very good. Some booze as the beer warms up. I won't be surprised if it's actually brewed with molasses.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Silky, with medium carbonation and medium body. Not the richest stout but it's not exactly an Imperial Stout, and mouthfeel is spot on for the style.

Drinkability 5/5
Very good. The body and taste are a perfect match for the alcohol.

I would drink this beer again and again, and highly recommend it.

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