Thursday, September 30, 2010


Surly Brewing Co.
Oktoberfest inspired single hop, dry hopped rye lager
6% ABV

OG: 14.5º Plato

34 IBUs

14 ºSRM

16 oz can with no freshness date poured into a Surly pint glass on the early morning of September 30, 2010. I know it's very fresh since it just came out and I am a homer ;).

Appearance 4.5/5
Clear red brown with a light tan colored creamy head. Average retention. Good lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Rye bread character is dominant; some hop character from dry hopping. Overall impression is good, although hop aroma is rather weak and not long lasting, which is not a fault. Rye aroma, however, is in abundance. However, none of the familiar toasted malt character associated with Oktoberfest beer. The aroma is unlike the base style so it becomes a subjective question. Does it work? Yes, it does.

Taste 4/5
Clean, as I would expect from a well done lager. Some bitterness and flavor from hops that plays well with the rye character. Yields to a clean, mildly bittering finish, with a slight creamy texture. This is a rye beer very well done.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Crisp, but not overly carbonated and good even when warm. Body is medium for a lager of this kind.

Drinkability 4/5
Very drinkable. In fact, perhaps more drinkable on its own (without food pairings) than traditional fest beers. I wish this had lower alcohol, which would make it an excellent session beer.

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