Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Oracle

The Oracle
Bell's Brewery, Inc.
Double IPA
10.0% ABV
12 oz bottle, bottled August 23, 2010, sampled August 31, 2010, poured into an Ommegang glass. Shared with a friend because of limited beer.

Appearance 4.5/5
Pours clear and deep amber red with an average off white head and great lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Faint aroma of malts and hops initially, but as the beer warmed, I could detect more prominent citrusy and grassy hop aroma riding on a solid malt base.

Taste 4/5
Bittersweet: the beer is well hopped and it is a bitterness blast but the malty sweetness never fades, until a medium dry and very bitter finish. For a beer this malty, the finish is amazingly clean. Overall balanced, but tilting towards flavorful hoppy bitterness, as is suitable for the style.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Perfect to style: decently carbonated, yet not overly crisp; between smooth and crisp, I would call it smooth, even creamy.

Drinkability 5/5
Could've had a few, had it not been for alcohol which is well masked; but more importantly, and unfortunately, there was just one 12 oz. bottle between myself and a friend!

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