Thursday, September 16, 2010

Odell Double Pilsner

Odell Double Pilsner
Odell Brewing Co.
American Double/Imperial Pilsner
8.1% ABV
12 oz bottle with a freshness date of 12/15/10 poured into a Samuel Adams perfect pint on 09/16/10.

Appearance 3.5/5
Golden yellow with a moderate head and some lacing. Slightly hazy, but I expected it to be clear.

Aroma 3.5/5
Some floral hops, some pils malt. Nothing too exciting here.

Taste 3/5
Little sweetness; bitter in the end with some flavor. Not a horrible beer by any means. But, there is a lot of nothing in this beer: the body is medium-big yet the beer lacks enough malt flavor. However, that doesn't change the fact that it is under attenuated -- cloying and irritating at times. For the kind of impression I have of this beer, it needs a lot more hops to balance things out.

Mouthfeel 3/5
Coats the mouth initially but good carbonation is present to take care of it, in part. Yet there's plenty of unexpected aftertaste. Also, as a pilsner, I want it to be clean and refreshing which this one's not. Carbonation is the only saving grace I must say; otherwise this was getting minimum score in this department.

Drinkability 3/5
Poor because (i) it's cloying (ii) it has a lot of alcohol which doesn't go well with pils character. I still rate it average though because when cold, you can slam it fast.

Perhaps, pilsner is not a style that you can brew "double". I expected a crisp, refreshing, and flavorful beer but it seems like a malty mess, and the hoppiness is way lower than I'd deem appropriate. It seems like an experiment gone wrong. The kind that was done to please big beer seeking crowd. Aside from a mildly good aroma, this is a malt liquor. Just avoid this one unless you're too intrigued.

PS: Fuck "double" everything, really. Excluding Imperial IPA/Stouts which are better than their "enkel" versions at times.

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