Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Westmalle Trappist Tripel

Westmalle Trappist Tripel
Brouwerij Westmalle (Adbij der Trappisten van Westmalle)
Belgian Tripel
9.5% ABV



11.2 oz bottle with a best before date of August 31, 2011 poured into a Gouden Carolus chalice on September 25, 2010.

Appearance 5/5
Pours very clear, bubbly, golden yellow with a big white creamy and rocky head, with great retention and magnificent lacing. Very beautiful beer. The last part of the bottle was stirred and poured in the end, and was murky light brown as expected.

Aroma 4/5
Spicy, phenolic, with banana like notes.

Taste 3.5/5
Opens faintly fruity, followed by spice, and then a dry bittering finish. Alcohol warmth and aroma is felt, but is not harsh. The aftertaste is long and spicy with a very present bitterness. I didn't get the fruitiness that I was expecting from this beer, although I know that this is the quintessential tripel, so my expectations were misplaced. Yet, the fact remains that the taste wasn't to my liking. Perhaps a fresher bottle, or a different setting will do more justice to this beer.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Crisp, effervescent, and light on the palate. Yet, not refreshing, because of strong spicy notes; not a fault by any means!

Drinkability 4/5
The taste is not very pleasing to me, which is a shame considering this is the "mother of all tripels". However, drinkability is still very good, and the high alcohol is barely felt which is spot on for this style.

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