Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Fitger's brewhouse
American Strong Ale
10% ABV
Sampled at the brewpub in a nonic style 10 oz glass on September 26, 2010. The server told that this is an American Strong Ale that's aged in barrels and has a lot of alcohol, bourbon flavor... it's kinda like a barleywine etc.

Appearance 5/5
Clear dark brown with a good dark tan colored head that stayed around, and left good lacing as well.

Aroma 2/5
Tart, malty sweet. Where's the bourbon? Where's the malt character, or hop character of a barleywine?

Taste 3/5
Tart, sweet, bitter, warming, fruity at times... lots of things going on here but there's no oak/bourbon/specialty malts; in fact nothing that fits the description. Yet because "anything goes" in a Strong Ale, I am being generous with the score.

Mouthfeel 3.5/5
Thin for an ale of this magnitude (ABV).

Drinkability 4/5
Moderate to good.

I thought to myself time and again after reading my notes on this beer whether I got the wrong beer. But, there was no Wild ale on menu, and this was very tart for any other style. If this was a sour brown, it would do real good score-wise, but this wasn't anywhere close to the server's description. So if I did get the right beer, does it mean that it's infected?

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