Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hercules Double IPA

Hercules Double IPA
Great Divide Brewing Company
Imperial IPA
10% ABV
12 oz bottle, bottled August 05, 2010 poured into a Bell's tulip on September 18, 2010.

Appearance 4.5/5
Clear, orange red, with an off white head and medium head retention. Some sticky lacing. Looks almost oily! The head and lacing were sub par but so was my pour so I am going to give it benefit of doubt.

Aroma 4/5
Nice hop aroma in the nose: tropical fruit, mango to be precise; grassy-piney as well. Some malty sweetness is present but it's hard to pinpoint it... perhaps caramel?

Taste 2/5
Fruity to begin. Malts and hops play well together towards that. That's the only good part of the taste. Some medium bitterness is the middle. Malts don't hold up until the end. For a DIPA, no hops in here, no malts either. Warming. Dry finish. The taste is average. The aftertaste is just bad.

Mouthfeel 3/5
Thin. Not cloying. The slight warming is welcome. Carbonation is medium.

Drinkability 3/5
Goes down easy but the body cannot support the alcohol and the aftertaste is just bad.

Disappointing, and I cannot blame it on the bottle because the aroma was good. Somehow this reminds me of an adjunct lager at the end.

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