Friday, September 10, 2010

Bell's Expedition Stout

Bell's Expedition Stout
Bell's Brewery, Inc.
Russian Imperial Stout
10.5% ABV
1.11 OG
12 oz bottle, bottled December 18, 2009, poured into a Bell's tulip.

Appearance 5/5
Pours black and opaque with a big, dark brown head that takes its own sweet time to build up. The head recedes to a thin collar eventually and leaves an excellent lacing. On a first glance, it's impossible to comment on clarity but after the head has receded, clear dark brown edges can be seen. Inviting!

Aroma 4/5
This is the smell of a big badass stout. Hard to describe fully because there are a lot of things going on here. Reeks of molasses and malts initially. Then chocolate, and possibly, coffee and vanilla. Booze, especially when it gets warm.

Taste 3.5/5
Big, dark malts surrounded by hoppy bitterness that stays until the long finish. There's booze in finish, noticeable even 9 months after bottling. Then plenty of rich aftertaste which is so roasty, that it seems burnt at times. Everything about this beer is big, but too rough and oddly bitter.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Silky, but not cloying over one bottle, which is the ideal amount to drink for this beer. Low carbonation, which is perfect for this beast. Body is big, as expected.

Drinkability 4/5
I have had the cask conditioned version too, and that was one of the best beer experiences I have had. Noticeably better on cask. Still, the drinkability is alright. However, this beer seems very rough which affects the score.


  1. There is something a bit doughy about the finish that Expedition Stout has - I hope that ages out of it. Love that Bell's glass.

  2. Let's see; I have put down a few to age myself. Never noticed the comment so I am replying quite late.

    Their more tulip-esque is even better!
