Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Edmund Fitzgerald

Edmund Fitzgerald
Great Lakes Brewing Co.
Robust Porter/American Porter
5.8% ABV
12 oz bottle with a freshness date of 11/29/10 poured into a Surly pint glass on 09/16/10.

Appearance 5/5
Clear and dark brown with a nice two finger tan colored head that looks promising and leaves nice sticky lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Roasted dark malts: dark chocolate; some sweetness. Smell is not overpowering. Decent amount of hops which strike me as earthy and herbal. I expect more roast though.

Taste 4/5
First impression is nice! Rich chocolate taste, which is pleasantly surprising for a "non-imperial" beer of the darker kind. Starts slightly sweet on palate but hop bitterness emerges and stays until finish. The hop flavor is strong and dominates over initial chocolate. There's of course a roasted taste and feel, which is not burnt by any means. Finish is medium and bitter.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Low but very present carbonation seems fitting. I could've done with even less. Medium bodied, but has the finish of a higher bodied beer. Some warmth is felt, which doesn't seem out of place.

Drinkability 4.5/5
At this ABV, this is a mighty flavorful ale and I could have a few without getting drunk, which is a plus. Not cloying per se but the finish effects drinkability to some extent.

Probably the best porter I have had till date. Honestly, I have found this style to be a little disappointing but this one is very good!

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