Monday, September 20, 2010

Rogue Chocolate Stout

Rogue Chocolate Stout
Rogue Ales
American Stout
6% ABV (BeerAdvocate)
69 IBUs
22 oz bomber with no freshness date poured into a New Belgium snifter.

Appearance 5/5
Clear, viscous (see mouthfeel) looking dark brown, almost black while pouring; darker than the usual stouts, and more closer to an Imperial Stout. Big dark tan color creamy head that has a good retention and an equally good lacing. Very good looking beer.

Aroma 4/5
Bitter, dark chocolate, and some malty sweetness.

Taste 4/5
Hard to separate it from aroma but overall very flavorful. Nice dark chocolate taste until a medium dry finish and a lingering dark chocolate aftertaste. The chocolate is very "unsweetened", and so the bitterness is very clean. Therefore it's hard to say what part of it is coming from hops. In my opinion this beer will benefit from more malty sweetness, of which I get practically none. Also, can't really say that it has a decent amount of roast to it. Still, very good!

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Smooth with medium-high carbonation. Medium body, a tiny bit thin but not watery by any means. Like I have remarked in the taste section, some sweetness and a bigger body will help make this beer a delicious dessert. I said in the Appearance section that it looks viscous; it's not though.

Drinkability 5/5

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