Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stone Smoked Porter

Picture from Stone's website
Stone Smoked Porter
Stone Brewing Co.
Robust Porter
5.9% ABV
22 oz bomber with an enjoy by date of September 04, 2010 poured into a wide mouthed Gouden Carolus glass.

Appearance 5/5
As described on the bottle, dark and deep mahogany color. Clear, with a full, creamy, tan head from an aggressive pour that recedes to a thin head, but with a nice collar that leaves outstanding lacing. Inviting and true to style.

Aroma 3/5
I get no smoke at all. The first impression is a little coffee-like tartness with a burnt character. I would like to describe it better, but the aroma is weak. Dark chocolate once in a whiff. A few swirls and plenty of malty sweetness becomes evident. Even two days before it's freshness date, there's some hop aroma to be found: this is fine by me and not against the style either, but I do not deem hop aroma necessary in a dark ale of this kind. Again, this hop aroma is once in a whiff.

Taste 3/5
Sweet to begin with, with some roasty bitterness in the finish. Hoppy bitterness is also present. The coffee-like tartness of smell is very present, and compliments the initial sweetness. The taste wasn't impressive but the aftertaste is better and flavorful with specialty malts. Finish leans towards bitter but is not dry by any means: it is medium-long; there's bitterness, there's roast, and there's sweet. This will make a good session beer paired with food, but on its own, it's not much of an experience.

Mouthfeel 3/5
Thin and unimpressive. Glad that this beer was warm enough or it would've been harsh, which might be desirable in an IPA or Pilsner, but would've been thoroughly confusing here. Carbonation is at a suitable level.

Drinkability 5/5
It's low in alcohol, it has light body, so you could drink a few, but the question I'd ask myself is, what's the point? Yet, the fact remains that it could be a solid session beer.

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