Monday, August 30, 2010

Northwest Passage

Northwest Passage
Flat Earth Brewing Company
American IPA
6.5 % ABV
1.065 OG
115 IBUs
12 SRM
22 oz bottle with no freshness date poured into a New Belgium snifter.

Appearance 3.0/5
Copper orange, brilliant clarity, no sediment, poor head retention, poor lacing. Average for an American IPA

Aroma 3.5/5
First impression is grainy sweet but as the beer warms up, it's grassy. The aroma is similar (not identical) to Furious, but weaker. Some fruitiness here and there. I'd rate it slightly above average.

Taste 3.5/5
Slightly fruity sweet at the beginning followed by tons of citrus grapefruit bitterness. Very dry and bitter in finish, with a lingering clean bitterness. Could have been phenomenal had there been enough malts to support. Slightly above average at best.

Mouthfeel 3.0/5
Thin. Very crisp. More like a pils than an IPA.

Drinkability 5/5
Very high for a hop head. In general, 22 oz should be more than enough.

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