Sunday, August 29, 2010

Smuttynose IPA "Finest Kind"

Smuttynose IPA "Finest Kind"
Smuttynose Brewing Co.
American IPA
6.9% ABV
12 oz bottle with a best before date of January 2011 poured into a Bell's tulip.

Apperance 4.5/5
Bright orange-yellow, moderately clear, with a white head that receded to a rather thin one with excellent lacing.

Aroma 3.5/5
Faintly grassy, resiny, earthy hops. Strangely, I detect some pils like aroma! Shouldn't be earthy or pils like, but there is an European angle here in my opinion.

Taste 4.0/5
Very faint, below usual, touch of sweetness to begin, some citrus, assertively bitter taste & after taste. Certainly hop forward. Bitterness bomb, actually. Not bitter in a bad way but bitter, and trust me, I've had my share of bitter (Devil Dancer etc.).

Mouthfeel 4.0/5
Well carbonated, with some maltiness, so I'll call it medium and balanced.

Drinkability 5/5
Very high.

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