Old Stock Ale (2008 vintage)
North Coast Brewing Co.
Old Ale
12.5 % ABV
12 oz. 2008 vintage poured into a New Belgium snifter.
Appearance 5/5
Pours dark reddish brown with a big light tan colored head, as a result of a vigorous pour, that recedes into a thin head. Even though the beer seems clear, there's a certain viscosity to it. No sediment.No lacing.
Aroma 4.5/5
Dark/dry fruit... I am thinking raisins, figs. Hint of molasses. Sweet & rich.
Taste 3/5
Falls short compared to the wonderful aroma. There's a certain bitterness adequately balanced, and even shadowed by the malt presence but I don't detect any "character". Slightly vinous. It might not be a fair comparison but the aroma hinted at a magnificent taste similar to J.W.Lee's barleywine and that's where the disappointment lies. Alcohol warms me up as is suitable for an ale of this strength. Finishes slightly bitter and dry although the malt presence, hence sweetness, is evident. The bottle reviewed is two years old and hence attenuated, otherwise a sweeter finish won't be surprising.
Mouthfeel 4/5
A body thinner than I'd have preferred but that comes with two years of aging. Carbonation is present, and welcome. As noted earlier, alcohol warmth is felt, yet it can't be called "hot".
Drinkability 5/5
It can't be chugged but it's a strong ale, what do you expect?
I don't think it's the best representation of the style, but it is a satisfying brew nonetheless. My only valid complaint is the lack of a solid character.
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