Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Founders Black Biscuit

The Basics

Founders Black Biscuit (vintage?)
Founders Brewing Co.
Old Ale
10 oz. poured into a snifter at Pracna

Appearance 5/5

Poured dark brown with decent head that receded fast. Minimal lacing with a tiny ring of foam. Clear however.

Aroma 4/5

Sweet. Candied sugar. Molasses. Booze. Can't say if this one is barrel aged but there are smells similar to the usual "barrel aged" suspects. No hop aroma.

Taste 3/5 & Mouthfeel 4/5

Roasted bitterness complemented by malty sweetness. Can't decide upon the "biscuit" part. Decently carbonated, yet silky. Warming. Finishes slightly bitter and clean for a strong beer.

Drinkability 5/5

All right for an old ale.


Nothing impressive. One of the not-so-good beers by Founders in my opinion.

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