Monday, December 20, 2010

Obsidian Stout (nitro-tap)

Obsidian Stout
Deschutes Brewery
American Stout
6.4% ABV
55 IBUs
On nitro-tap at Pracna on the Main, as part of their Deschutes December event.

Pours usual dark colored but with poor head, poor head retention and some lacing. The aroma and taste were roast, malts, chocolate, coffee and had some coconut notes, something that I never got from this beer. In my opinion "nitro" hurt this beer's mouthfeel; can't say how or why but seemed thinner than usual and there was no creaminess that I was expecting. Drinkability is good. Review from bottle here.

Appearance 3.5/5
Aroma 4/5
Taste 4/5
Mouthfeel 3.5/5
Drinkability 4/5

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