Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snowstorm 2010

Snowstorm 2010
August Schell Brewing Co.
7% ABV
12 oz. bottle with a best by date of 03/21/11 poured into a Sam Adams perfect pint on 16/12/10.

Appearance 3.5/5
Dark caramel-garnet hued, with a clear but syrupy look to it, this ale poured with a tan colored creamy head that was smaller and more controllable than I expected. The head was quick to subside into a thin sheet of tiny bubbles but left sticky lacing all over the glass as it fell from its glory. Even though I agitated the bottle at the end, the beer seems quite clear, and the head disappeared way too early. Odd.

Aroma 3/5
Faint notes of clove over syrupy sweetness (meant in a *good* way), and relatively strong notes of banana and... spice?! For one the smell was weak but the esters quickly yielded to spice and a strange cigarette ash like smell. Odd, again.

Taste 3/5
Taste is largely nondescript. Slightly sweet and then tannic-bitter with estery notes after the sweet finish that are reminiscent of the great beers from Europe; but memories don't cut it, they torture. Too bitter, and yet the finish is bock-y. Also, too much abv in this one.

Mouthfeel 2/5
Mouthfeel got too watery as the beer warmed. I am going with 2/5

Drinkability 4/5
Drinkability is ok, except for high-ish ABV.

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