Thursday, December 9, 2010

Meantime IPA

Meantime IPA
Meantime Brewing Company
English IPA
7.5% ABV
OG ?
750 ml bottle with no freshness date poured into a Maredsous glass on December 08, 2010.

Appearance 3.5/5
Amber to light orange hued, with poor clarity, medium off white head, and medium head retention and lacing.

Aroma 2/5
Most faint spicy-earthy hop aroma riding on an equally faint malty sweetness and that's about it. Thoroughly unimpressive.

Taste 2.5/5
Medium malty sweetness, some spicy hop flavor, very low bitterness, and some alcohol. Could've been called average had it not been for the horrible aftertaste.

Mouthfeel 3.5/5
Not too terrible on the body with low carbonation that seems fitting.

Drinkability 2/5
I don't see the appeal of this beer except for its fancy bottle and cool label. I've never had a true English IPA (except this one!) but I am sure there exist much better representations of the style. This one was a complete waste of liver and dollar alike. One of my friends that I shared the bottle with went as far as calling it a vile beverage. While I might not have such an extreme sentiment, I am not buying this again, and perhaps avoiding it for free too, unless it smells of something remotely hoppy, in which case I would chalk my experience up to a bad/old bottle.

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