Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Dissident

The Dissident
Deschutes Brewery
Oud Bruin
10.5% ABV
30 IBUs
OG ?
On tap at Pracna on the Main, as part of their Deschutes December event. Served in a Deschutes snifter. I could try this beer only because of the generosity of the manager Meagen (chixdighops) and her boyfriend, and some luck. Thanks guys for letting me have the last drink of the sixtel!

Appearance 4/5
Brilliantly clear, deep rusty red hued with a tiny collar and some lacing.

Aroma 3.5/5
Funky and fruity, typical sour brown but nothing too exciting. Some sweet alcohol too.

Taste 3.5/5
Lightly tart and fruity with an unfitting bitterness/astringency towards the end.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Smooth and light bodied with medium carbonation.

Drinkability 4/5

I don't get the hype. Hugely underwhelming. I will not part with anything that I can't get off the shelves for this beer.

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