Saturday, December 4, 2010


Great Lakes Brewing Company
Imperial Red Ale
8.0% ABV
70 IBUs
OG: 18° Plato
12 oz bottle with a best by date of 12/30/2010 poured into a 25 oz snifter on 12/01/2010 at room temperature.

Poured clear, ruby colored, with a good white head, medium head retention and lacing. Aroma was mostly hops with some complex malt notes but overall weak. I got a lot of CO2 in the aroma as well and I think I might have poured this beer a little too warm.
Flavorful bitterness from hops complemented by aromatic sweetness of dark caramel and toffee. Warming with a medium finish and a long, bitter aftertaste. The body was thinner for my preference and drinkability was alright.
For the purpose of scores, I compared this beer to Arrogant Bastard and it doesn’t come close. Frankly, I don’t see much potential in “red” ales, imperial or otherwise.

Appearance    4/5
Aroma        3.5/5
Taste        3.5/5
Mouthfeel    4/5
Drinkability    4/5

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