Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout

Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout
Rogue Ales
Oatmeal Stout
6.1% ABV (BeerAdvocate)
69 IBUs
OG 15° Plato
22 oz. bomber with no freshness date poured into a Lion Stout mug on 12/29/2010

Appearance 4.5/5
Clear and dark brown with a big dark mocha head. Good head retention and kickass lacing! Very very inviting.

Aroma 3.5/5
Soft chocolate notes, some sweet malts and perhaps some coffee like sharpness. Weak.

Taste 4.5/5
Mildly sweet, grainy, and coffee like at the beginning, yielding quickly into a strongly bitter, roasty, acidic and astringent finish. A very nice stout experience. Some hop flavor as well in the intensely roasty-bitter-coffee aftertaste. It's better than what sometimes gets passed off as "Imperial", and yet is way lower in alcohol.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Medium body and medium carbonation. More harsh than silky, not that I mind!

Drinkability 5/5
Great drinkability, lots of flavor and low ABV. What else do you want?

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