Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lindemans Framboise

Lindemans Framboise
Brouwverij Lindemans
Lambic - fruit
2.5 - 4% ABV
12 oz bottle poured into a Lindemans glass.

Appearance 4/5
Deep, dark, saturated pink with a lighter pink head. Medium retention and good lacing

Aroma 4/5
Strong raspberry and sugary sweet smell, and that's about it. Not anything complex but good nonetheless.

Taste 4/5
Very similar to the smell, the taste is dominated by strongly sweet and medium tart raspberry, with some tannic feel that's perhaps from barrels? Finishes quite clean for a beer this sweet.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Medium body with good carbonation, crisp feel and dry finish. Quite refreshing.

Drinkability 3.5/5
The sweetness is a little over the top but good otherwise.

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