Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Couple of reviews - I

I like to do my reviews with pretty (I like to think) pictures and it doesn't appeal to me to make an entire post with just one review and no beerpr0n to go with it. So here are a few picture-less reviews that have been lying in notes in my jacket, notebook, office and apartment!
Samuel Adams Chocolate Bock
Boston Beer Company
5.6% ABV
12 oz bottle with a best by date of April 2011, poured into a pint glass on 12/10/2010.

Appearance 4/5
Darkest of browns, and yet brilliantly clear, with a creamy, fluffy, light brown head. Medium retention and unexpectedly poor lacing.

Aroma 3/5
Lots of chocolate, some seemingly metallic notes and none of the bock character.

Taste 3/5
Plenty of chocolate notes on a light malty sweet base. Clean flavors that come with a well done lager, although the label says this is an ale. None of the bock character in taste either. A light, clean, 2% chocolate milk like beer.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Medium carbonation, medium body, and silky mouthfeel.

Drinability 4.5/5
Good. Quite flavorful and under 6% ABV! But the name is deceptive for sure.
Cygnus X-1
Flat Earth Brewing Company
6.5% ABV
45 IBUs
OG 1.065
25 SRM
On tap at Stub & Herb's served in a shaker pint glass.

Appearance 3/5
Very dark brown and clear with garnet highlights and a medium head that dissipated into a thin collar rather quick and left some lacing.

Aroma 4/5
Mostly roast, lots of coffee, some very mute sweetness along with rye breadiness as the beer warmed up. Very nice overall.

Taste 4/5
Plenty of roast and coffee, slight sweetness, some acidity and a roasty finish.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Seemed thin and overcarbonated at times, but good in general.

Drinability 4/5
Good, but alcohol could drop a few points for a simple beer like this one.
New Belgium Brewing
Raspberry Brown Ale
6.5% ABV
15.5 IBUs
OG 1.016
12 oz bottle with a best by date of 02/20/2011 poured into a Saison Dupont glass on 12/16/2010.

Appearance 5/5
Brilliantly clear, deep ruby brown with a light pink colored fluffy and persistent head that left excellent lacing.

Aroma 3.5/5
Mostly raspberries in the nose and they too are not strong enough: neither in terms of sweetness, nor flavor. Some lightly sweet milky notes that I am not sure I liked.

Taste 2/5
Light sweetness and some flavor of raspberries but nothing remotely resembling "wow". Finishes clean with some tannic notes and some hoppiness. I hated it.

Mouthfeel and Drinkability are ok (3/5 on both). This beer is full of mediocrity in my opinion.

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