Thursday, December 30, 2010

Founders Bastards

Dirty Bastard

Founders Brewing Co.
Strong Scotch Ale (also called "wee heavy")
8.5% ABV
50 IBUs
12 oz. bottle with illegible bottling date poured into a New Belgium snifter on 16/12/2010. Judging by how aggressive this particular beer was, and because it's one of Founders flagship beers, I would guess that it wasn't too old.

Appearance 3/5
Molten copper and rusty hued with a medium tan head. Medium retention and lacing, and lots of disgusting chunks!

Aroma 4/5
A very delicious aroma comprising of caramel, toast, perfumy alcohol, dessert. Much like Scotch whisky, with bready beerness to it.

Taste 4/5
Flavorful and aromatic with the same notes that were present in the aroma, but a tad too bitter and astringent from roasted barley/malts, I am assuming. Fairly roasty and cleansing finish but some sweetness manages to linger. Fruity flavors in the after breath that are akin to Scotch. Quite astringent towards the end, but without the wood.
The dirty chunks in Dirty Bastard.

Mouthfeel 3/5
Low carbonation, which is proper; the body is thinner than what I'd like. A stronger body and sweetness are terribly needed in my opinion.

Drinkability 3.5/5
Not bad, but the malt complexity wavers, faced with strong, one-dimensional roastiness.

Backwoods Bastard

10.2% ABV
This beer is the bourbon barrel aged version of Dirty Bastard. 12 oz. bottled 11/16/09 poured into a 3 Philosophers glass on 12/20/2010.

Appearance 4/5
Deep with the gravity of molten lava, and yet so clear. Viscous and mighty looking with a murky, bubbly head that left excellent lacing as it receded. This one also has lots of floaties, but not as disgusting as Dirty Bastard.

Aroma 4/5
Sweet like bourbon, but lots of Scotch like notes, caramel, toffee, perfume. Complex, but weak.

Taste 4.5/5
Hard to say if mixing Scotch and Bourbon is always a good idea, but I think it works for this ale. There are distinct smoky notes of Islay whisky. Slightly sweet with roast and smoke in finish with a distant, but present, Single Malt purity. Finishes a little astringent (welcome) but still very smooth, and sweet. Alcohol is softly present. Some dry fruit notes as well. A fine, complex, and subtle beer but doesn't achieve greatness, in my opinion.

Mouthfeel 4/5
The body is thinner than what I would have preferred, but alright given the base beer. Carbonation is low and fitting.

Drinkability 4/5
Good. The impression of Scotch whisky is very well done.

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