Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Couple of reviews - II (Town Hall edition)

I was out drinking with bunch of friends on the night of 12/06/2010 at the Minneapolis Town Hall brewery and ended up reviewing a few excellent beers. Here are my thoughts:
West Bank Pub Ale (on cask)
4.8% ABV
Served in a shaker pint glass at the brewpub. Described by the brewery as:
British style pale ale featuring the the rich character of UK Golden Promise malt with a distinct finish from the use of British Fuggles and Golding hops.
I think it was an American Pale Ale, and not an English style pale ale. I won't even bother reviewing it as an English ale because it would qualify as a horrible horrible example!

Appearance 4.5/5
Amber orange hued with slight haze that's perhaps because of cask conditioning, this beer came with a dense, creamy and persistent off white head that left excellent lacing over the course of the pint.

Aroma 4.5/5
Intense, intense hop aroma of American citrus hops, which is why it cannot be an English style bitter. Very good aroma, even if it's one-dimensional.

Taste 4/5
Great bitterness and hop flavor riding on a rather thin body. One-dimensional again, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Thin, which is not necessarily a fault in an ale at this ABV. Carbonation is lower than I would like but it could be the temperature and the fact that it's on cask.

Drinkability 4.5/5
Good. A very nice low ABV option. Always welcome.
Broken Paddle ESB
4.6% ABV
Served in a shaker pint glass at the brewpub.

Appearance 4/5
Deep copper, with a white head that is small but consistent. Decent lacing.

Aroma 2/5
Smell is simply put, odd and un-beerly. No caramel, toffee, or fruit that I'd expect from an ESB. WTF?! Thankfully, it's not repulsive!

Taste 3.5/5
Not half bad when compared to the smell. Decently bitter with an alright backbone but bland in general without any malty and fruity flavors that I would expect from the style.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Spot on, with mute carboantion.

Drinkability 4/5
I didn't enjoy the taste all that much but mouthfeel and ABV keep it decently drinkable. A sessionable beer, if nothing exceptional.
Masala Mama IPA (on cask)
American IPA
6% ABV
Served in a shaker pint glass at the brewpub. Here's my review of the regular version.

Appearance 4.5/5
Deep copper hued, slightly hazy with a creamy and persistent head with good lacing.

Aroma 5/5
Most intense citrus, herbs, flowers, and pine. Dank, flawless, excellent.

Taste 4.5/5
Silky, smooth, and bitter.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
The crispness is lost on cask and that's a minus in my book when it comes to IPAs.

Drinkability 4/5
I enjoy the regular version more; does that make me a bad person? ;)

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