Friday, September 2, 2011

Gouden Carolus Cuvée Van De Keizer Blauw

Gouden Carolus Cuvée Van De Keizer Blauw
Het Anker

One of my favorite beers that I believe doesn't get enough press. Classy looking 750 ml cork & caged bottle (2009 vintage) poured into a snifter at approximately two and a half years of age. Some details from the brewer:

Every year on the 24th of February, we celebrate the birth of Charles Quint. Therefore we brew a special beer in limited edition called Cuvée of the Emperor. This exceptional beer is a special version of the Golden Carolus Classic, with an enriched taste pallet and mysterious aromas added. The caramelised malts and its 11% Alc. Vol. give the Cuvée of the Emperor the warm roundness of wine together with the refreshing taste of beer. It is imperially crowned with a special cork so it can be preserved for a long period of time with a constant cellar temperature of 12° C. An imperial beer to cherish and enjoy in moderation.

Type of beer: Dark special beer
Colour: Ruby red
Alcohol: 11% VOL
Hops: Exclusively Belgian hops
Wort extract: 24° Plato
Fermentation: High fermentation
Lagering: 2 weeks
Packaging: Bottle 75 cl and 1,5 l
Tenability: At least 10 years

    Pours caramel brown with moderate clarity and a medium light brown head. Medium retention, good lacing. Smells dark and sweet from the Belgian candi sugar used I suppose. Dark fruits, prominently raisins, hint of figs, prunes and dried cherries. Touch of spice, and perhaps some oxidation.

    The taste is decadent with a great balance of sweet and dark: very fruity (raisins, dates, figs), slightly chocolaty, with a moderately tannic finish very reminiscent of the said fruits. Very vinous, with some sherry like notes. The sweetness lingers.

    The body is bigger than most Belgian ales, but still in the Belgian territory; the carbonation is alive and kickin'. As noted, there's a tannic note in finish but it's still sweet, and the beer damn smooth.

    Overall, a very unique and great beer. Stands out from other Quads in its heightened sweetness and proximity to English Barleywines.

Appearance 4/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 4.5/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 4.5/5