Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Guava Groove

Guava Groove
8% ABV
Cigar City Brewing

750 ml split with Apu, poured into New Belgium globes. Thanks Dan.

    Hazy amber, with very hazy dregs; off-white dense and thick pillow-y head with medium retention and, oddly, no lacing.

    The lemony tart and yeasty aroma profile is signature saison. There's some stronger acidity that suggests a light sour character. Lots of fruit, specifically white grape. But... guava? I don't get any until the very end.

    Taste is bit of a let down from the aroma: the tartness is missing; and the hop bitterness is a little too strong. Finally, the beer tastes harsh at times... like leftover fruit pulp after getting juiced.

    Mouthfeel is bigger than many other saisons but apt carbonation keeps everything in check. Overall just an average beer.

4, 3.5, 2.5, 4, 3

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