Friday, September 30, 2011


Matt (Bottleworks X)
Strong Ale
Hair of the Dog Brewing Co.
11.5% ABV

    12 oz. bottle from 2010 poured into a snifter. Thanks Kan. Since I am on a Strong Ale/Old Ale/Barleywine kick for the past few months and this is the coldest day this far into Fall, it's the perfect occasion to drink the only bottle I have. Matt pours dark brown and looks almost black; the looks are in the Imperial Stout territory. There's no head whatsoever  but there is a tiny ring holding promise of carbonation. I hear it's a crap shoot with HotD, and I think I am lucky.

    Matt boasts a very complex aroma, with distinct notes of roast, smoke, dark fruit, port, caramel/toffee and dark liqueur. And ripe apples! I can't wait to taste it, but I can't stop smelling it either.

    The base beer for Matt is Adam, which was a disappointment to me. However, the barrels have changed the beer massively, into something much better. My complaint against Adam was too much roast and too much bitterness. The roast is mellow in Matt, and the bitterness very restrained, along with the added sweetness and complexity.

    Sticky caramel sweetness, accompanied by still bold, roasty and chocolaty bitterness leading towards a slightly astringent finish. There is a lot of fruity-vinous character and ripe, sweet apple notes from eau-de-vie de pomme. I am loving it so much! This beer is one of the testimonials to the fact that American brewing today can stand up to Europe. Reminiscent of two of my favorite beers, Cuvee Van de Keizer Blauw and JW, and yet so different. And what restrained use of barrels, that have added so much character without the typical booze.

    While I am convinced that this beer will only improve with age, it hardly tastes young. In fact, had I not known the age, I would place it at 3 years, at least. A great beer, and perfect for this moment. It's beers like this that make trading worthwhile. I don't think I have anything in my stash that can excel Matt significantly. I won't be drinking anything else tonight.

3, 4, 5, 4, 4.5

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